雄鹿险胜奇才 米德尔顿错失绝平
雄鹿险胜奇才 米德尔顿错失绝平
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2025-02-08 10:37
2 月 8 日讯,在 2025 年 “超级杯” 这场备受瞩目的赛事中,上海申花以 3 - 2 的比分逆转战胜上海海港,成功捧杯。比赛结束后,媒体人冉雄飞对本场比赛的精彩场面赞不绝口,并分享了自己对于这场比赛以及新赛季中超联赛的诸多感想。
此外,冉雄飞还提到一个有趣的现象:超级杯夺冠的球队,往往在夺取联赛冠军的道路上困难重重。这或许是因为超级杯夺冠后,球队面临着更多的压力和对手的针对性研究。不过,冉雄飞也希望上海申花能够打破这一 “魔咒”,改变命运。他相信申花队在新赛季的联赛中,凭借着出色的阵容和团结一心的团队精神,有能力在联赛中取得优异的成绩。
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- 冉雄飞评超级杯:申花逆转夺冠,新赛季中超未来可期
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- 切尔西拒绝都灵报价:卡萨迪转会陷入僵局
- 切尔西福法纳重伤后蓝军的困境
- 多特截胡什克里尼亚尔:转会风云背后的博弈
- 范德贝克:从曼联低谷到赫罗纳重生
- 伊萨克:英超赛场崛起的瑞典锋霸
- 罗马选帅风云:阿莱格里与大卫 - 安切洛蒂之争
- 科贝尔转会风云:切尔西求贤,多特的欧冠 赌注
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- 姆巴佩伤势悬念:皇马命运的关键转折?
- 韦特延康复之路:多特新星的成长与展望
- 琼阿梅尼位置谜题:皇马中场与中卫之选的权衡
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- 恩瓦内里:阿森纳青春风暴的新希望
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- 南野拓实谈中日世预赛 论国足主场
- 雄鹿险胜奇才 米德尔顿错失绝平
- 曼城紧盯坎比亚索:今夏边卫引援持续发力
- 冉雄飞评超级杯:申花逆转夺冠,新赛季中超未来可期
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- 切尔西福法纳重伤后蓝军的困境
- 多特截胡什克里尼亚尔:转会风云背后的博弈
- 范德贝克:从曼联低谷到赫罗纳重生
- 伊萨克:英超赛场崛起的瑞典锋霸
- 罗马选帅风云:阿莱格里与大卫 - 安切洛蒂之争
- 科贝尔转会风云:切尔西求贤,多特的欧冠 赌注
- 恩凯提亚失单刀之殇:水晶宫锋霸的进球荒困局
- 姆巴佩伤势悬念:皇马命运的关键转折?
- 韦特延康复之路:多特新星的成长与展望
- 琼阿梅尼位置谜题:皇马中场与中卫之选的权衡
- 马尔穆什:众豪门觊觎下的法兰克福之星
- 马竞连胜风暴:进攻狂潮打破历史沉寂
- 申花亚冠之旅:困境中奔赴光州挑战
- 恩瓦内里:阿森纳青春风暴的新希望
- 世预赛冲突后续:亚足联定调与赛场风云
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- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/vendor/thinkcmf/cmf/src/behavior/../lang/zh-cn.php
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/vendor/thinkcmf/cmf-app/src/admin/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/vendor/thinkcmf/cmf-app/src/admin/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/vendor/thinkcmf/cmf-app/src/user/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/app/portal/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/app/portal//lang/zh-cn.php
- [ ROUTE ] array ( 'rule' => 'football_news/<id>', 'route' => 'portal/Article/index?cid=638', 'option' => array ( 'merge_rule_regex' => false, ), 'var' => array ( 'id' => '7424705', ), )
- [ HEADER ] array ( 'cookie' => 'care_did=89e63abb-785e-43b8-9584-41fe34d307e7', 'accept-encoding' => 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', 'accept' => '*/*', 'host' => 'kinglyinve.com', 'content-length' => '', 'content-type' => '', )
- [ PARAM ] array ( 'cid' => '638', 'id' => '7424705', )
- [ LANG ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/app/portal/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ VIEW ] /mnt/7kzhanqun_new/public/themes/w1sport1/portal/article.html [ array ( 0 => 'site_info', 1 => 'event_info', 2 => 'categories', 3 => 'front_theme', 4 => 'category', 5 => 'post_content', 6 => 'article', 7 => 'prev_article', 8 => 'next_article', 9 => 'tags', 10 => 'tdk', 11 => 'theme_vars', 12 => 'theme_widgets', ) ]
- [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.005498s ] mysql:host=rm-3ns41jmtlb1g0zd6v.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com;port=3306;dbname=daxiong2;charset=utf8mb4
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_plugin_web` [ RunTime:0.003454s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003297s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' [ RunTime:0.003190s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_visit` [ RunTime:0.003223s ]
- [ SQL ] INSERT INTO `cmf_visit` (`param` , `url` , `ip` , `domain` , `referer` , `browser` , `created_at` , `updated_at`) VALUES ('{\"cid\":\"638\",\"id\":\"7424705\"}' , '/football_news/7424705.html' , '' , 'kinglyinve.com' , '' , 'Other' , '2025-03-10 22:32:42' , '2025-03-10 22:32:42') [ RunTime:0.003287s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003262s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_plugin` [ RunTime:0.003183s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `config` FROM `cmf_plugin` WHERE `name` = 'Web' AND `site_id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003101s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 146, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002892s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_option` [ RunTime:0.003121s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'cdn_settings' AND `site_id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003129s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_option', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'site_id', 'key' => 'site_id', 'key_len' => '5', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 5, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003121s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002956s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003083s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003140s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004031s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'site_info' AND `site_id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.005033s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_option', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'site_id', 'key' => 'site_id', 'key_len' => '5', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 5, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.003403s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.004546s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003327s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003046s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` [ RunTime:0.003200s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 AND `category_id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003591s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'term_taxonomy_id,post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 5.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_post` [ RunTime:0.003255s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`category_id` = 638 AND `post`.`id` = 7424705 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < 1741617162 and `post`.`published_time` > 0 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003169s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY,type_status_date,category_id,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_post_content` [ RunTime:0.003287s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post_content` WHERE `id` = 7424705 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003635s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_post_content', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'id', 'key' => 'id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003026s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'storage' AND `site_id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003045s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_option', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'site_id', 'key' => 'site_id', 'key_len' => '5', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 5, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003119s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `config` FROM `cmf_plugin` WHERE `name` = 'Oss' AND `site_id` = 102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003101s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 146, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003340s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` [ RunTime:0.003149s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003089s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_tag` [ RunTime:0.003214s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,65018,45173,45137) [ RunTime:0.003256s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003239s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `user_nickname` FROM `cmf_user` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003051s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `avatar` FROM `cmf_user` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002995s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003008s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`category_id` = 638 AND `post`.`id` < 7424705 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003282s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY,type_status_date,category_id,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'category_id', 'key_len' => '14', 'ref' => 'const,const,const,const', 'rows' => 101, 'filtered' => 49.99878692626953, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`category_id` = 638 AND `post`.`id` > 7424705 ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003492s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY,type_status_date,category_id,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'category_id', 'key_len' => '14', 'ref' => 'const,const,const,const', 'rows' => 101, 'filtered' => 49.99878692626953, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 AND `status` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003036s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_portal_post` SET `post_hits` = `post_hits` + 1 WHERE `id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003226s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post_content` WHERE ( id=7424705 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003093s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_post_content', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'id', 'key' => 'id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003162s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name`,`id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,65018,45173,45137) [ RunTime:0.003068s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_route` [ RunTime:0.003443s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cmf_route` WHERE `full_url` = 'portal/List/index?id=638' AND `site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004085s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_route', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 3164, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002981s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.003280s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/article' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003267s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/Article/index' , `file` = 'portal/article' , `name` = '详细页' , `more` = '[]' , `config_more` = '[]' , `description` = '详细页' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/article' [ RunTime:0.003294s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/competition' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003151s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/Competition/index' , `file` = 'portal/competition' , `name` = '赛程列表页' , `more` = '{\"vars\":[]}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":[]}' , `description` = '赛程列表模板文件' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 0 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/competition' [ RunTime:0.003345s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003171s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/Index/index' , `file` = 'portal/index' , `name` = '首页' , `more` = '{\"vars\":{\"name\":{\"title\":\"\\u59d3\\u540d\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u586b\\u5199\\u7528\\u6237\\u59d3\\u540d\",\"tip\":\"\\u8bbe\\u7f6e\\u540e\\u60a8\\u7684\\u59d3\\u540d\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u663e\\u793a\\u5728\\u9996\\u9875\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":{\"name\":{\"title\":\"\\u59d3\\u540d\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u586b\\u5199\\u7528\\u6237\\u59d3\\u540d\",\"tip\":\"\\u8bbe\\u7f6e\\u540e\\u60a8\\u7684\\u59d3\\u540d\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u663e\\u793a\\u5728\\u9996\\u9875\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , `description` = '首页模板文件' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 5 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/index' [ RunTime:0.003288s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/list' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003161s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/List/index' , `file` = 'portal/list' , `name` = '录像和资讯列表页' , `more` = '{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":{\"hottest_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u6587\\u7ae0\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"hottest_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}},\"last_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u6700\\u65b0\\u53d1\\u5e03\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"last_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":{\"hottest_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u6587\\u7ae0\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"hottest_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}},\"last_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u6700\\u65b0\\u53d1\\u5e03\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"last_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}}}' , `description` = '录像和资讯列表页' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/list' [ RunTime:0.003334s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/match' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003223s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/Match/index' , `file` = 'portal/match' , `name` = '赛事详情页' , `more` = '{\"vars\":[]}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":[]}' , `description` = '赛事详情页模板文件' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/match' [ RunTime:0.003306s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/tag' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003280s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme` = 'w1sport1' , `action` = 'portal/Tag/index' , `file` = 'portal/tag' , `name` = '标签列表页' , `more` = '[]' , `config_more` = '[]' , `description` = '标签列表页' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND `file` = 'portal/tag' [ RunTime:0.003345s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' [ RunTime:0.003528s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme` [ RunTime:0.003272s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme` SET `name` = 'w1sport1' , `version` = '1.0.0' , `demo_url` = 'https://www.nayangtiancai.com/' , `author` = 'zwe' , `lang` = 'zh-cn' , `keywords` = 'https://www.nayangtiancai.com/' , `description` = 'https://www.nayangtiancai.com/' WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' [ RunTime:0.003119s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'w1sport1' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/article' ) [ RunTime:0.003203s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 257, 'filtered' => 1.899999976158142, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003051s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_nav` [ RunTime:0.003095s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_nav` WHERE `is_main` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003016s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_nav', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 50.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_nav_menu` [ RunTime:0.003161s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `nav_id` = 1 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.003340s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_nav_menu', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 954, 'filtered' => 0.10482180118560791, 'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003047s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002977s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `status` = 1 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.010716s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 69436, 'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003083s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 637 [ RunTime:0.003161s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `post_type` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND ( `category_id` IN (637,638,639) ) ORDER BY `published_time` DESC LIMIT 0,20 [ RunTime:0.004587s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'type_status_date,category_id,idx_siteid_deletetime_posttype_poststatus_publishedtime,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'category_id', 'key_len' => '14', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 104, 'filtered' => 0.7139815092086792, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.003607s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`user_nickname` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003376s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'index', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => 'user_nickname', 'key_len' => '202', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using index', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`avatar` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003037s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7429561 [ RunTime:0.003240s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 4, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (67635,67636,67637,67638) [ RunTime:0.003191s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 4, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 639 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003044s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7428839 [ RunTime:0.003199s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,46575,67179,67180) [ RunTime:0.003255s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004202s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003066s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,65018,45173,45137) [ RunTime:0.003217s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003064s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424364 [ RunTime:0.003050s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,49043,64814,45518) [ RunTime:0.003225s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003076s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419130 [ RunTime:0.003487s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,63540,63541,34000,50963) [ RunTime:0.003128s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003135s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419027 [ RunTime:0.002957s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63388 [ RunTime:0.002968s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003043s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418937 [ RunTime:0.003034s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63293 [ RunTime:0.002991s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002954s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418838 [ RunTime:0.003006s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63194 [ RunTime:0.003003s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003004s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418740 [ RunTime:0.003004s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63077 [ RunTime:0.002975s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003335s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418612 [ RunTime:0.003274s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62945 [ RunTime:0.003655s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002973s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418540 [ RunTime:0.003077s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62865,45719,34000) [ RunTime:0.003006s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002954s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418427 [ RunTime:0.002989s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,58053,58054,58055,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.003022s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002999s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418301 [ RunTime:0.003115s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (62688,60793) [ RunTime:0.003091s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002884s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418220 [ RunTime:0.004217s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62587,62588,62589,62590) [ RunTime:0.003115s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003131s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418118 [ RunTime:0.003774s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62464 [ RunTime:0.003197s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002966s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418019 [ RunTime:0.003098s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62365 [ RunTime:0.003054s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002939s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417917 [ RunTime:0.002982s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62264 [ RunTime:0.003206s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003108s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417785 [ RunTime:0.003143s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62098 [ RunTime:0.002991s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003111s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417718 [ RunTime:0.003041s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,61978,49042,61979,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.003086s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003109s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417616 [ RunTime:0.003124s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,61401,61402,61403) [ RunTime:0.003244s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003193s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003305s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 638 [ RunTime:0.003226s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `post_type` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND ( `category_id` = 638 ) [ RunTime:0.003208s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'type_status_date,category_id,idx_siteid_deletetime_posttype_poststatus_publishedtime,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key_len' => '19', 'ref' => 'const,const,const,const,const', 'rows' => 101, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where; Using index', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `post_type` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND ( `category_id` = 638 ) ORDER BY `published_time` DESC LIMIT 0,20 [ RunTime:0.003999s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'type_status_date,category_id,idx_siteid_deletetime_posttype_poststatus_publishedtime,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'category_id', 'key_len' => '14', 'ref' => 'const,const,const,const', 'rows' => 101, 'filtered' => 0.7139815092086792, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.003377s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`user_nickname` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003037s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'index', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => 'user_nickname', 'key_len' => '202', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using index', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`avatar` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003567s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7428839 [ RunTime:0.003144s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,46575,67179,67180) [ RunTime:0.003076s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003151s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003121s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,65018,45173,45137) [ RunTime:0.003311s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003121s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424364 [ RunTime:0.004600s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,49043,64814,45518) [ RunTime:0.003009s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003162s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419130 [ RunTime:0.003088s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,63540,63541,34000,50963) [ RunTime:0.003045s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419027 [ RunTime:0.003079s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63388 [ RunTime:0.003062s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002994s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418937 [ RunTime:0.003238s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63293 [ RunTime:0.002969s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003019s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418838 [ RunTime:0.003148s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63194 [ RunTime:0.004848s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003198s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418740 [ RunTime:0.003051s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63077 [ RunTime:0.003058s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003038s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418612 [ RunTime:0.003113s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62945 [ RunTime:0.003039s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002916s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418540 [ RunTime:0.003067s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62865,45719,34000) [ RunTime:0.003055s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003109s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418427 [ RunTime:0.003069s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,58053,58054,58055,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.003089s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003072s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418301 [ RunTime:0.003575s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (62688,60793) [ RunTime:0.004383s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003918s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418220 [ RunTime:0.003044s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62587,62588,62589,62590) [ RunTime:0.004234s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003096s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418118 [ RunTime:0.002995s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62464 [ RunTime:0.003099s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003088s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418019 [ RunTime:0.003113s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62365 [ RunTime:0.003012s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003057s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417917 [ RunTime:0.002961s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62264 [ RunTime:0.002979s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003487s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417785 [ RunTime:0.003425s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62098 [ RunTime:0.004803s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003068s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417718 [ RunTime:0.003069s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,61978,49042,61979,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.003105s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002961s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417616 [ RunTime:0.003102s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,61401,61402,61403) [ RunTime:0.003039s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003123s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417516 [ RunTime:0.003160s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61621,61622,35246,61623,61624) [ RunTime:0.003131s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003023s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_plugin_web` WHERE `web_url` LIKE '%kinglyinve.com%' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003065s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_plugin_web', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 138, 'filtered' => 11.110000610351562, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 637 [ RunTime:0.003211s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `post_type` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND ( `category_id` IN (637,638,639) ) [ RunTime:0.004132s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'type_status_date,category_id,idx_siteid_deletetime_posttype_poststatus_publishedtime,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key_len' => '19', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 104, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where; Using index', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `site_id` = 102 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `post_type` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND ( `category_id` IN (637,638,639) ) ORDER BY `published_time` DESC LIMIT 0,20 [ RunTime:0.004826s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'type_status_date,category_id,idx_siteid_deletetime_posttype_poststatus_publishedtime,idx_8f8efa778253e4a38b4800acfaedd014', 'key' => 'category_id', 'key_len' => '14', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 104, 'filtered' => 0.7139815092086792, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.003505s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 840, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`user_nickname` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003128s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'index', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => 'user_nickname', 'key_len' => '202', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using index', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`avatar` FROM `cmf_user` [ RunTime:0.003044s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_user', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7429561 [ RunTime:0.003165s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 4, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (67635,67636,67637,67638) [ RunTime:0.003022s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 4, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 639 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002932s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7428839 [ RunTime:0.003092s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,46575,67179,67180) [ RunTime:0.002981s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003074s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424705 [ RunTime:0.003090s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,65018,45173,45137) [ RunTime:0.003067s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003029s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7424364 [ RunTime:0.003148s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,49043,64814,45518) [ RunTime:0.003055s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003251s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419130 [ RunTime:0.003900s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (43806,60790,60791,63540,63541,34000,50963) [ RunTime:0.003111s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003774s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7419027 [ RunTime:0.003056s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63388 [ RunTime:0.002999s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003005s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418937 [ RunTime:0.003067s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63293 [ RunTime:0.002982s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003002s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418838 [ RunTime:0.003095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63194 [ RunTime:0.003044s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002983s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418740 [ RunTime:0.003057s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 63077 [ RunTime:0.004720s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003783s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418612 [ RunTime:0.003262s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62945 [ RunTime:0.003082s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003079s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418540 [ RunTime:0.003093s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62865,45719,34000) [ RunTime:0.003095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002982s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418427 [ RunTime:0.003011s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,58052,58053,58054,58055,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.003074s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 8, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002987s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418301 [ RunTime:0.004258s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (62688,60793) [ RunTime:0.003089s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 2, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004123s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418220 [ RunTime:0.003033s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (34299,62585,62586,62587,62588,62589,62590) [ RunTime:0.005084s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004134s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418118 [ RunTime:0.003059s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62464 [ RunTime:0.003014s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002995s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7418019 [ RunTime:0.003212s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62365 [ RunTime:0.002966s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002971s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417917 [ RunTime:0.003084s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62264 [ RunTime:0.002950s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002997s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417785 [ RunTime:0.002986s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` = 62098 [ RunTime:0.002996s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003051s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417718 [ RunTime:0.003469s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (33872,58051,61978,49042,61979,58056,58057) [ RunTime:0.004366s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 7, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003499s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `tag_id` FROM `cmf_portal_tag_post` WHERE `post_id` = 7417616 [ RunTime:0.003957s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'post_id', 'key' => 'post_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `cmf_portal_tag` WHERE `id` IN (45136,61399,61400,61401,61402,61403) [ RunTime:0.003016s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_tag', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 6, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 638 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002961s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]